Tuesday, December 8, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things . . .

This is only one thing, singular, but it certainly is a favorite amongst many lovely shower gifts I received.  Palindromaid A outdid herself on the gift front.  I can usually count on her to get me beautiful jewelry, fun kitchen gadgets, and other little luxuries.  This gift is not only practical, but largely sentimental and just perfect for a shower (or for Christmas if you're still looking for gifts).  Behold:

Nothing says"Open me!" quite like the perfect wrapping job.  Too bad I tore into it and then had to recreate the perfection to snap the shot above.

Oh, why Hello!  What do we have here?  A book with a delicious hard cover.

And it stands open.  This will be important.

It's not just a book.  It's a collection recipes that Palindromaid A solicited from our friends and family.

The 3 ring binder is organized by food category and tabbed for convenience.

And get this!  Not only did she add the recipes, but she included pictures of the recipe giver with the recipe they donated!  Here I am with Allison of the trifle bowl fame.

And here's a recipe from Palindromaid A with a picture of us from this past spring.  I was really struck by how thoughtful it was to gather recipes for me and also by the professional quality of the book.  When she told me she was making a recipe book, I thought it would be 3x5 cards in a photo album - and I was thrilled because I've been hounding some of these people for their recipes for years!  Palindromaid A exceeded all of my expecations.  I'm really excited to order some extra recipe pages with the credits that were included with the gift.  If you're interested for any brides (or for that matter anyon who likes to cook!) in your life, or if you'd just like organize your own collection, check out the website at Taste Book.

Did you receive any gifts that exceeded your expectations?  Was it something innovative or sentimental?


Allison said...

Wow, that turned out awesome.

Katerina said...

I never seen a recipe book that pretty, photos and all. I think I will be judging every recipe book I ever get now by the standards of that one! You have great friends!

I'm not at the gift-receiving stage of the engagement yet, but excited to get there in a few months!