Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wisdom from Meg

I like thinking philosophically about what marriage means to me. I like critiquing the wedding industry and avoiding the black hole of unrealistic expectations (even though I sometimes fail at this). I like smart women. That's why I read A Practical Wedding.

As I was catching up with last week's posts, I ran across Michelle and Josh's story. Michelle's words reached out of the computer and gave me an empathetic back rub:

What made our wedding sane was that we got married. I was really good at having the occasional 'let's just elope' freakout, but thankfully Josh was even better at the 'at the end of this, you will be my wife' speech.

It's been a rough few weeks as we've headed into the homestretch and have found the million loose ends that need to be tied. I had a 'let's just elope freak out' recently and this is what the future Mr. Palindrome wrote to me:

One overall thought I have about the ceremony is that I want you to remember that the most special thing about the ceremony is that you and I will be getting married in front of people we love in a place that is special to us. Everything else is just material.

That's why I love him and that is why I'm marrying him. Tear.

So here's to remembering what is important about a marriage and what's not worth going insane over (heel height, reception dresses, band stages, and sold out feather boas). You'll be getting married!!!!!


emily said...

That's so true, and so inspiring (I've been planning your speech actually as talking about the diff between a wedding and a marriage, so it's really appropriate!). I'm glad you got the virtual backrub you needed!

melinda said...

Thanks Palindromaid! :)